AQAV is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that is dedicated to improving the operational art of designing and installing audiovisual technology. We focus on the quality management systems (the “human systems”) that AV companies use to assure consistent quality. We “Point to” applicable standards and best practices developed by AVIXA, AES, SMPTE, and others.

The Problem
Rapid advancement in AV technology has resulted in more product knowledge than ever before, which merely underscores the need for fundamental education in operational art. AVIXA International has addressed only individual training, not the requisite quality management of the AV companies performing the services.
With AV technology moving from the eclectic to the mainstream of our corporate and educational cultures, the cost of technology exceeds $80B and steadily grows worldwide. The estimates on the cost of poor quality, defects, lost hours, rework, etc. exceed $15B.
In other words…
Customers, manufacturers, designers, integrators, and independent programmers all want to know how to contain and control these costs. This begs the question:
What companies can effectively manage their quality to assure the client always gets their AV system as it was ordered, in its entirety, that the system performs at levels as intended, and that it was provided according to best industry practices?
Introducing AQAV, a nonprofit organization dedicated to quality.
Enter the Association for Quality in Audio Visual Technology, Inc.! We focus on the quality management systems (the “human systems”) that AV companies use to ensure consistent quality. We “point to” applicable standards and best practices developed by AVIXA, AES, SMPTE, and others.

The Solution
AQAV has defined the standard for quality management for AV companies for the benefit of all the stakeholders, including the users of integrated AV technology so as to:
Better systems and services for the users
Improvements in the operational art
Reduction in waste and its resultant cost impact to profits.
The Approach
Start with the auditable ISO9000:2015 standard, (already the 176-country international consensus on Quality Management Systems).
Add AV industry-specific language to help clarify its application to AV work.
Add AV metrics for monitoring and measuring activities (Steps two and three are a consensus of a cross-functional representative forum of the AV industry. The quality checklists in the metrics have proven to be effective in achieving zero-defect systems for years and in fact, have been adopted for over a thousand systems).
The AV9000 Result
The AV 9000 Result
Companies are “AV 9000 Certified” when they successfully pass the audit at their location(s).
Registration is for three years. Surveillance audits are performed each year.
Certified ISO9000 auditors verify the company’s documented quality management system for compliance to the standard, and to the AV 9000 metrics.
The audit confirms that the processes are applied consistently by everyone in the organization that has an impact on the quality of the services.

Our Partners
Click on a partner logo for more information


NSCA Support Statement for AQAV
Much like NSCA, AQAV is dedicated to helping integrators improve their businesses and provide better services and solutions to their customers. We support AQAV’s focus on quality AV installation – which is becoming more difficult to achieve given increasingly complex and ever-changing technology, and convergence of AV and IT. “To help integrators contain and control costs, and keep up with today’s AV technology, NSCA shares in AQAV’s mission to encourage strong processes, standards, audits, and training. NSCA is proud to support this organization ... to raise awareness about the benefits of joining AQAV – and to establish much-needed industry scholarships,” says Chuck Wilson, NSCA executive director. “We place high value on quality, and the commissioning guidelines are a very good tool for our members.”